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Support Celebrating Sanctuary

Since our inception in 2002, Celebrating Sanctuary continues to strive to bring you something new to experience from all corners of the globe, alongside the important work we do to:

  • Support, develop and showcase the talent of refugee and migrant artists
  • Engage with refugees and asylum seekers through community projects

As a project funded organisation, we are constantly and consistently fundraising to keep our activities going. Our current programme is supported by ACE and The Foyle Foundation, with the help and support of partners, such as MAC and B:Music.

However we are still limited in what we can deliver to audiences, artists and communities. And are affected by ongoing uncertainty in what we can plan for the future. So we need your help.

Ways you can support Celebrating Sanctuary

Show funders that our programme is valued:

  • Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @celebratingsanctuarybirmingham; like and share our content with your music loving friends 
  • Fill out our feedback forms at events - your kind words are sent to our funders

Support our core activities:

  • Make a donation
  • Become a member

By making a donation or becoming a member you will be supporting Celebrating Sanctuary to continue offering inspiring and enriching experiences in music and arts by refugee and migrant artists.

What we do

Events Programme and Refugee Week Festival

Thoughout the year Celebrating Sanctuary put on events across the city, working in partnership with leading arts venues such as Mac, Symphony Hall, Ikon, Compton Verney, as well as programming events in community spaces. We create opportunities for refugee and migrant artists to present and perform their work, raise their profile and increase representation of cultural music and arts in the city. We create a platform for wide audiences to hear and appreciate music from across the world, creating enriching experiences.

Community Engagement Programme

For many years Celebrating Sanctuary have developed Community Engagement and Outreach projects alongside our World Music Programme.

Our ongoing work with refugees and asylum seekers continues to broaden audiences and improve access and participation. This work addresses ongoing issues of isolation and community cohesion and is funded separately to our main programme. We regularly fundraise to develop and deliver this highly beneficial area of work.

Artist Development for Refugee Artists

Celebrating Sanctuary supports refugee artists at different stages of their careers, to develop their practice and increase their opportunities to progress within the music and arts scene of Birmingham and the UK. This involves training and development for artists at the early stages of their practice, including the opportunity to shadow and be mentored by more experienced artists. Also opportunities for artists and musicians to re-establish their careers in this country and develop networks which offer further opportunities for their progression. We support opportunities to collaborate with other artists and expand practice and repertoire.

If you like the work that Celebrating Sanctuary do find out how you can support us

Become a Celebrating Sanctuary Member and receive exclusive benefits:

– Priority notice on news & announcements for all future events and line ups
– Quarterly progress report on how we're doing
– CSB Merchandise (coming soon)

Annual Membership:

£25 membership – would support our core costs to continue delivering our activities
£50 membership – would support our core costs and engagement opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers
£100 membership - would support: Development opportunities for emerging artists, Engagement opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers, contribution to core costs
£250 membership – would support: Development opportunities for emerging artists, Engagement opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers, development and collaboration opportunities for refugee and migrant artists, contribution to core costs

Become A Member Now

If you would like to determine a different level of support please contact us or use the donations button.